Sometimes the most simple things can be the most difficult. Wondering if you left the house with the garage door open...Waiting in line at the post office...Or putting your car keys in the same spot when you walk in the door so that you aren't scrambling and looking for keys when you're late to get out the door (this literally just happened with my teenage son).
I personally rank writing thank you cards within this challenging aura of difficulties. Here are some simple tips to tackle this task the next time you have someone to thank:
- Begin with a salutation of "Dear ___," Make sure you are using the correct spelling and marital status prefix (I often search social media, too, if I'm not sure if they are married or single).
- Start by telling how thoughtful they are for what they have done, be it a gesture of kindness or a physical gift. "It was thoughtful of you to give us the dominoes set." or "You were so thoughtful to take the time to water our plants while we were out of town."
- Follow up by sharing how you will use the physical gift or appreciate their gesture of kindness. "We can't wait to play Mexican Train as a family this weekend." or "I appreciate that you took care of that while we were traveling to New York."
- Reiterate the thanks by using the words "thank you". "Thank you so much for thinking of us and choosing this considerate gift." or "Thank you so much for doing that and please let me know the next time you are out of town so that I may reciprocate it."
- End with regards of "Sincerely," or "Thanks again," and sign your name.
That is it, my friends! Simple, quick, and easy to do with these five steps. Now...waiting in line at the post office for a stamp is a whole other story!
Psst...If you are looking for some elegant & classy stationery to write your thank you notes on, look no further than The Mad Padder! Check out all the note cards available by clicking here.